Common yarrow |
Achillea millefolium |
8-16" |
white |
June-September |
Perennial herb with feathery, lance-shaped leaves that are evenly distributed along stem. Flowers clustered, forming flat white top. |
Rosy pussytoes |
Antennaria rosea |
8-18" |
pink to rose |
Early summer |
Mat-forming perennial with white or grey woolly leaves; attractive foliage through Fall.
Common in the high desert of eastern Cascades, extends up in elevation to pine and Douglas fir forests. Often found on dry, rocky alpine ridges. |
Western Columbine |
Aquilegia formosa |
<36" |
red |
spring |
Tap-rooted perennial; delicate looking divided leaves. Good hummingbird, butterfly, pollinator plant. |
Balsamroot |
Balsamorhiza sagittata |
12-24" |
yellow |
May |
Large, long lived, tap-rooted perennial; numerous sunflower-like flowers heads. |
Rocky Mountain bee plant |
Cleome serrulata |
3-6’ |
pink |
July- September |
Tall, very drought tolerant annual with large, pink, late-season flowering blooms. Attracts numerous pollinators. Excellent for areas that receive minimal or no irrigation. |
Blue mountain prairie clover |
Dalea ornata |
<18" |
Lt. pink/ magenta |
June-August |
Perennial. Flowering head up to 2 in. long. Habitat: rocky sandy places often with sagebrush. Native to Oregon. |
Purple prairie clover |
Dalea purpurea |
12-36" |
Dark pink to purple |
May-September |
Numerous flowers on cylindrical spike 1-2 inches long. Native to central US. Deep rooted, nitrogen fixing plant. |
Fireweed |
Epilobium angustifolium |
4-6" |
Dark pink |
July-September |
Perennial herbaceous plant. Showy 1" flowers on terminal spike. |
Threadleaf fleabane |
Erigeron filifolius |
<12” |
Light purple |
July-August |
Perennial with many erect and spreading leaves with grayish hairs. Multiple purplish white flowers with yellow centers. Grow in dry prairie and rocky sites; often in sagebrush steppe. |
Yellow desert daisy |
Erigeron linearis |
<8” |
yellow |
May-June |
Tap-rooted, clumping perennial with multiple yellow, aster-like flowers. Grows in dry, rocky sites; often in sagebrush steppe. |
Oval leaved Buckwheat |
Eriogonum ovalifolium |
4-8” |
White, pink, light yellow |
July-August |
Mat-forming perennial; Oval-shaped leaves silvery white. Single head of creamy white flowers on leafless stalk. Habitat: Sagebrush steppe to alpine ridges. |
Sulfur Buckwheat |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
4-12” |
White to bright yellow, reddish |
May-June |
Tap-rooted, mat forming perennial; Leaves oblong or spatula-shaped in whorls at base of stems are woolly beneath. Leaves turn showy red/maroon in autumn; flowers turn rosy ting with age. Common in sagebrush steppe and grasslands, and dry open forests in central Oregon. |
Arrowleaf buckwheat |
Eriogonum compositum |
18-24" |
yellow |
early May to mid June |
Creamy Buckwheat |
Eriogonum heracleoides |
4-16” |
White to yellow |
Mid summer |
Clump-forming perennial with linear, grayish woolly leaves in whorls at base of stems; flowers turn rosy ting with age. Habitat: Common in sagebrush steppe and grasslands, and dry open forests. |
Round Headed Buckwheat |
Eriogonum sphaerocephalum |
<16” |
White to yellow |
Mid spring to summer |
Perennial, shrub or sub shrub growth form. Flower heads round (popcorn-like). |
Thyme leaved Buckwheat |
Eriogonum thymoides |
<6” |
Whitish pink to yellow |
May-June |
Low growing perennial; woody, mat-forming sub-shrub with tiny grayish green, narrow linear leaves. |
Oregon sunshine |
Eriophyllum lanatum |
12-18” |
yellow |
May-August |
Perennial with clumping growth form of grayish green leaves. Common in dry open habitats. |
Sticky geranium |
Geranium viscosissimum |
16-36” |
white to deep purple-magenta |
May-July |
Perennial; Stems and leaves densely covered with sticky, glandular hairs. Habitat: dry grasslands and open forests. |
Prairie Smoke |
Geum triflorum |
<18” |
pink |
May-June |
Rhizomatous perennial Flowers urn-shaped; Fruits feathery clusters of seeds with plume-like bronze to purplish styles. Habitat: dry open forests, grasslands, and dry gravelly soils. |
Scarlet gilia |
Ipomopsis aggregata |
<36” |
Red |
Late spring through summer |
Biennial or short-lived perennial; Highly dissected leaves on numerous stems. Habitat: open rocky slopes, grasslands, open forests, plains, dry meadows and mountain slopes. |
Blue Flag Iris |
Iris missouriensis |
12-24” |
Blue to purple |
May-July |
Perennial; rhizomatous with grass-like foliage and showy flowers. Prefers seasonally wet areas; moisture important through flowering period. |
Bitterroot |
Lewisia rediviva |
1-2” |
White to pink |
Late spring |
Low growing perennial from a tap root. Small succulent, needle like foliage often gone when flowering. Flowers large 1.5-2 inches. Found growing in harsh rocky/gravelly sites. Great for rock gardens. |
Lewis flax |
Linum lewisii |
18-24” |
Blue to purple |
May-July |
Native, semi-evergreen perennial. Grows in sagebrush steppe to open ponderosa pine forests. |
Blue flax |
Linum perenne |
18-24” |
Blue to purple |
May-July |
Introduced from Eurasia. Naturalized throughout US. |
Silver lupine |
Lupinus argenteus |
18 - 36” |
Purple |
June-August |
Grayish green foliage, silvery underneath; shrubby growth form Flowers growing on spike (raceme) up to 5”. |
Broad leaved lupine |
Lupinus latifolius |
12 - 48” |
Purple |
May-June |
Broad leaved. Perennial with bushy growth habit. Showy flowers growing on tall spike (raceme), 4-12”. Heavy nitrogen fixer; does well in nutrient poor soils. |
Prairie lupine |
Lupinus lepidus |
<5” |
Blue-purple |
May to June |
Low growing; foliage dense silky gray. Tolerant of gravelly soils. |
Large leaved lupine |
Lupinus polyphyllus |
<48” |
Blue - Purple |
June to July |
Large leaves up to 6 inches in diameter. Showy flowers growing on tall spike (raceme), 6 to 18”. Prefers moist soil; found in riparian areas. |
Yellow monkeyflower |
Mimulus guttatus |
<36” |
yellow |
May-August |
Showy 1’ wide, 5 lobed flowers with orange spots on lower lip. Habitat includes wet seeps and draws, moist forest openings, and streamsides. |
Pink monkeyflower |
Mimulus lewisii |
12-32” |
pink |
July to September |
Perennial with showy, large 2-lipped, trumpet shaped flower. Habitat includes wet seeps and draws, moist forest openings, and streamsides. |
Fragrant evening primrose |
Oenothera caespitosa |
3-9" |
white |
late spring - summer |
Showy white flowers open after sunset and redden with age. Beautiful in moonlight. Grows in sagebrush-steppe and pine forest. |
Davidson’s penstemon |
Penstemon davidsonii |
<12” |
lavender |
June-August |
Shrubby, mat-forming perennial. Found in rocky outcrops. |
Shrubby penstemon |
Penstemon fruiticosus |
<18” |
Blue to lavender |
May - August |
Woody perennial, generally prostrate and mat forming; Leaves leathery and shiny. Habitat: open rocky slopes to moderately dense forest from the foothills to high mountains. |
Lowly penstemon |
Penstemon humilis |
<14” |
Blue to purple |
May - August |
Herbaceous to woody sub-shrub perennial with small, numerous tubular flowers. Habitat ranges from sagebrush steppe to highly elevation in forest openings. |
Pineleaf penstemon |
Penstemon pinifolius |
12-15" |
red |
late June through August |
Compact low growing, perennial with numerous, red tubular flowers and small, narrow leaves. Native to the southwestern US. Attracts hummingbirds. |
Cutleaf penstemon |
Penstemon richardsonii |
8-32” |
Pink to lavender |
May - August |
Numerous sprawling stems arise from shrubby base with serrated leaves. Habitat: open rocky places and cliff sides. |
Rock penstemon |
Penstemon rupicola |
<6” |
pink |
June-July |
Semi-evergreen perennial: shrubby at base; leaves bluish and leathery. Basalt rock cliffs or rock outcrops. |
Rydberg’s penstemon |
Penstemon rydbergii |
<24” |
Blue to purple |
May - July |
Beautiful when planted in masses. Prefers early season moisture. Habitat: meadows to moist open slopes from foothills to mid-montane. |
Showy penstemon |
Penstemon speciosus |
<36” |
Blue to purple |
May-July |
Perennial with showy flowers, 1-1.5” long. Habitat sagebrush prairies to ponderosa pine forests to subalpine. |
Rocky Mountain penstemon |
Penstemon strictus |
24-36” |
Blue to purple |
May-July |
Semi-evergreen perennial with tall stems and multiple showy flowers. |
Alpine penstemon |
Penstemon venustus |
<20” |
blue |
May - August |
Perennial with showy flower and foliage. Habitat: fairly good soil or rocky sites from forest to low meadows to subalpine. |
Whipple’s penstemon |
Penstemon whippleanus |
<24” |
blue-purple to wine red |
July to August |
Perennial with showy flowers up to 1 inch. |
Oregon Checkermallow |
Sidalcea oregana |
<24” |
Light pink |
July to September |
Perennial with flowers growing in spike. Host plant for butterflies. Eastern Cascade species growth habitat ranges from sagebrush steppe to seasonally wet meadows to ponderosa pine forests. |
Gooseberry leaved globemallow |
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia |
<12-30” |
Orange |
June-August |
Tap-rooted, short-lived (2-3 years) perennial with silvery foliage. Flowers on short, dense, terminal spikes. |
Scarlet globemallow |
Sphaeralcea munroana |
24-30” |
orange |
May-August |
Tap-rooted, perennial with grayish green foliage. Multiple flowers on long stems; long bloom period. |
Showy townsendia |
Townsendia florifer |
2-6” |
White to pinkish white |
June |
Short-lived perennial with several stems containing dense, short hairs. Flowers numerous. |